Biggi Does Detox – Preparation - Nourish Play Love

Biggi Does Detox – Preparation

Here are some good practices for preparing for a detox to make sure you succeed. I am also sharing how I personally prepared in this post’s video. Enjoy, and let’s get started together!


So, what do you need to do before you even start your detox diet? While the following steps are not that hard to implement, they are crucial for the success of your detox journey.

Step 1 – Remove Foods to Avoid During Your Detox from Your Pantry and Refrigerator

This is so important! You won’t be able to eat “bad” foods, if they are not around. I have known for about 2 weeks that I will be going on my detox, so I have been slowly using up the foods I had on hand, and I did not replenish them. This also means that I already ran out of coffee, three days before my start date. Yikes!

I live by myself, so this task was pretty easy. However, your situation may be different because you live with either your family or roommates. This will make things a little more challenging, but not impossible. Hopefully you already announced your plan to the other members of your household and they are showing their support for you. What you can do, is create some pantry and refrigerator space that is reserved just for the whole foods for your detox diet.

Step 2 – Plan Out All the Meals for at Least Your First Week

Eating healthy, whole foods, will always take planning and preparation. While they often grow on trees, there’s just never a tree nearby when you need it. 😉

Figure out when you will have time to cook, and when you need a meal that’s quick to prepare or some leftovers. Once you have planned out your meals, it’ll make grocery shopping a breeze.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Click To Tweet

After I reviewed the what to eat, what not to eat, how much and how often to eat guidelines, I decided on the number of meals to eat per day, and planned out different meals for weekdays vs. weekends. I also included on-the-go meals for times I knew I wouldn’t be at home. I always have a busy schedule, so I decided to choose only foods that did not require extensive preparation times.

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Step 3 – Go Grocery Shopping

With your shopping list that you prepared in the previous step in hand, head to the nearest grocery store and stock up for the next 4 – 7 days. Some staples like coconut oil, almond butter, or spices can be purchased for the entire 3 week period, but with the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit you’ll be eating, you may have to stop by the grocery store more often than you are used to. I know that’s the case for me. I was also surprised to find my grocery bags to be much heavier. Hmm.

Here are some pics from my first run to the grocery store in preparation for the 21-day detox:

Step 4 – Establish “Go to Meals” or “Emergency Foods”

These are the kind of foods you can a) always have on hand (not too perishable), and b) can be prepared in under 15 minutes or need no preparation at all. This way you will always be able to make the right choices, even when you get home later than expected and don’t have time to cook. Another idea is to cook and freeze several meals ahead of time on the days you are off, when you do have more time for cooking.

My personal “always ready foods” will be eggs (for protein), guacamole (for fat), walnuts (for protein and fat), and bananas (for quick energy). I am also making sure to always have some frozen vegetables in the freezer. I simply steam them in the microwave and they are ready to go.

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Step 5 – Find Your Supporters

Who will be there to support you over the next three weeks? And, who is most likely to sabotage your efforts? Get very clear on that upfront, and make plans accordingly for who you are going to spend more time with, and who you may have to avoid spending time with in the coming weeks.

Step 6 – Establish Your Baselines

It’s important to know where you are starting out, and then gauging the progress you have made at the end of your detox diet. For this you will want to note any symptoms and conditions you are suffering from now, including the level of severity; weigh yourself, take your measurements (like chest, waist, hip, thighs, etc.), and also take a before picture. Then, it will be critical to not check on any of these baselines for the duration of the detox, as a slow initial progress could make you completely lose your motivation. Believe me, it is worth doing the detox, and you will get benefits from it!

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Maybe I have been talking a lot about how simple these things are, but I know they are not. If you are anything like me, you may even be in a little bit of a panic by now. I am scared I am going to starve. I am scared of going without some of my favorite foods, like coffee. Seriously, I know I can survive without coffee just fine, but I don’t know if I can handle the withdrawal symptoms.

And then there’s our sub-conscience that is secretly fighting any change. On a logical level we know that change is necessary, and change can be good, but our sub-conscience hasn’t gotten the message yet.

Because there are so many things in our mind and environment that are threatening to sabotage our success, I am enlisting your support, and if you choose, you will have my support. It’s nearly impossible achieving our goals alone, without the support and motivation of others. Someone to pick us up when we fall. Someone to believe in us!

Please tell me, what are some of your fears and challenges when it comes to detox preparation? Let me know in the comments!

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